news from the world of knitting & crochet…
If you’ve ever been asked to sell your knitting or crochet project only to have the buyer expect the price to be ridiculously low, you’ll empathise with the sewist in this video explaining the real costs behind a handmade quilt (hint: it’s a lot more than most folks think it is!)
Photo by Ashley Diane Worsham
By now, you’ve seen a lot of the AI-generated images of incredible knitted projects and, while you may have been fooled at first into thinking they were real handmade masterpieces, you’re probably getting better at spotting them as fakes. But they can be appreciated for the modern digital artwork that they are. Many of the most famous are by Lydia Masterova and her Facebook page contains a catalogue of her fascinating and stunning images.
If you’ve ever been wowed by Stephen West’s colourful, innovative designs (or his eye-catching pattern photography), you’ve probably wondered if that bold approach extends to beyond his knitting. So I was excited to come across this article where he gives a tour of his home in Amsterdam and… honestly, it really is everything you thought it might be!
Do you remember those two guys who bought a knitting-based domain name and confidently predicted they were going to make a ton of money by “disrupting” the knitting world? They’ve come out with some new products and… the lack of attention to detail in their marketing has created a lot of discussion (read: laughter) on knitting social media.
If your go-to cast on is Long Tail but you have difficulty making sure the stitches are spaced evenly, this simple trick is darned handy to know.
Filed under: Orbiting the Fiber Universe: news from the world of knitting and crochet