Thanks for Joining the SpaceCadet Mailing List

Whoo-hoo!  You’re all set!

Keep your eye on your inbox for the freebie I promised you.  And I send out emails on a regular basis filled with fantastic pattern ideas, tips and tricks for everything fiber-related, one-of-a-kind offers, and great giveaways — so be sure to watch for those in your inbox as well.

Get to know us!
I love to hear from our community and, now that you’re part of it, I’d be delighted to get to know you too!  Come on over to Instagram or Facebook and say hi.  I’d love to know what sort of things you like to knit or crochet, and what your favourite colours are

And now…
We’re going to start off with a bang, so don’t forget to look for that email — it will arrive soon with some great stuff to get you started.  And, in the meantime, I’m so excited to have you on board!

Stephanie and the SpaceCadet® Crew