After A Long Winter’s Nap

The first day back to Real Life after the holidays can be like waking up from a long slumber.  And sometimes it’s a gentle start to the new year   …and sometimes it’s not.  2013 has started with a bang!  There’s tons of stuff to look forward to and I can’t wait to tell you all about it in the coming weeks.  But first, let’s start with this…

It’s Yarn Alliance parcel time!  You know what?  The first club parcel of year might just be my favourite.  The depths of winter are such an inspiration…  the new year is always so full of promise…  and, after all the hustle and bustle of the holidays, it’s so nice to sink comfortably into Selfish Knitting Month.


On a Winter's Eve


On A Winter’s Eve

Selfish knitting should be sheer pleasure, so I started with the luxurious cashmere softness of Aurora — this is a yarn you really have to feel to believe.  And I layered onto it the colours that were calling to me — deep purple-blues of a cold winter’s night and the soft silver-greys of the stars above, and the snows that reflect them.  And as they dyed, I let the colours mingle together, creating a gentle undulation from one shade to another.


The SpaceCadet's Log for the InterStellar Yarn Alliance yarn club colourway, On a Winter's Eve



I really, really love this colourway.


The SpaceCadet's InterStellar Yarn Alliance yarn club colourway, On a Winter's Eve



Now, the gift!  I’m excited about this.  I met Kristine Keller at TNNA two years ago, just after, Stormy Blue, her lovely yarn-and-pottery shop opened in Murrysville PA, and I liked her straight away.  She’s down to earth and fun, so I was delighted to run into her again a few months ago at Indie Knit & Spin, where she was selling her gorgeous yarn bowls.


Stormy Blue's hand-made shawl pins, the gift for SpaceCadet's InterStellar Yarn Alliance yarn club



And as I was looking at her booth, I spotted these lovely hand-made shawl pins — every single one completely unique — and immediately thought of the Yarn Alliance.  I phone Kristine a few weeks later and asked if she’d make some custom SpaceCadet shawl pins and she was totally up for it.  I love them!


Stormy Blue's hand-made shawl pins, the gift for SpaceCadet's InterStellar Yarn Alliance yarn club


So, now that the holidays are over and all your gift-knitting is finished, how will you celebrate Selfish Knitting Month?  C’mon, it’s time to make something luxurious and wonderful   …and all for yourself.  What will you cast on?

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