Well hello! You remember last week when I asked for suggestions of shows we should go to? Oh my stars, the response was fantastic! Thank you to everyone who made a suggestion — some of them were awesome and I applied to three new-to-us shows over the weekend. I won’t say any more than that at the moment because they’re all juried shows and I don’t want to jinx us, but I am super-excited! Please keep your fingers crossed that we get in and, please, if there’s a great yarn show or fiber festival near you that I should know about, do let me know!
(just another random pile of yarn handing around in the studio…)
Speaking of things to be excited about, after months of cold and snow that just. wouldn’t. let. go, Spring seems to have finally arrived! As I sit on my front porch and drink a cup of tea, my lilac tree is bursting into bloom and the smell is amazing. I’ve got a bunch of great stuff to share with you so grab yourself a cup of tea as well and spend five minutes easing into the day with a little fiber goodness. Ready? Here we go…
I love an idea that’s both a stash-buster and a new craft to try, inspired by all the wall-hanging weaving I seem to be seeing everywhere these days (you too? If not, try following the Midnight Weaver for inspiration). So I was super excited to come across this tutorial for making your own wall-hanging and weaving loom. What an awesome way to show off your stash — especially if you’re a member of our Mini-Skein Club and have a gorgeous collection of our Ombre & Gradient minis, right?
I have a good friend with a fondness for the Venus figurines (carved figures of the female form dating back 25000 to 30000 years ago), so this crocheted pattern for the Willendorf Venus caught my eye.
If you love role-playing games and you love knitting, Welcome to Yarnia might be just the thing for you.
Yesterday I was sitting on the front porch, drinking a nice cup of coffee and minding my own business, when a couple of wasps decided I was in their way (or their territory?!?) and convinced me to move indoors. That reminded me that I’d read this article last week on why you should spray vinegar around your windows. I’m not sure if it’s true, but I’m going to try it — windows, porch, and all!
Hand and wrist pain can be fact of life for knitters and crocheters, but does that stop us? No! (and the muggles can’t understand why but then, that’s why they’re muggles). I am super intrigued by the suggestion of using ball rolling techniques for keeping your hands healthy and happy. There are special balls you can buy (of course!) but, if you’ve got kids in the house, you probably have a million of those super-bouncy balls rolling around somewhere anyway (ask me how I know) or you could win one in the giveaway. Either way, it looks like an interesting technique to try!
Studio-Damage Colourways
Do you remember a few weeks ago when I told you about how they’d discovered additional damage to our water-soaked studio (above) and we’d incurred some unexpected costs? I thought perhaps I’d dye some limited edition colourways inspired by the damage to help raise funds to cover those costs.
Now, “inspired by the damage” also kind of means “inspired by mold” …but don’t let that worry you. This week, I spent a little time playing with that idea and the results got me pretty excited. I explained it all on my Instagram Stories. If you missed it, click below to watch. The long and short? They look so cool and they’ll be coming soon. Watch this space!
Linen Cocktail by Natalie Volyanyuk
This time of year, I find myself gravitating to very light, very simple knits. And this simple fingering weight sweater fits the bill, incorporating just enough sweet detailing to keep it interesting and enough stockinette to keep it simple and light. I think I’d choose SpaceCadet Oriana because of its awesome drape, in a colour that feels like spring is in the air, such as the clean, fresh green of Crisp.
Revival by handmade by SMINÉ
Once the air conditioning goes on, there’s always a chill, isn’t there? I love the simple geometry of this shawl, knit in angled blocks of garter and working gently through a beautiful fade. I think I’d knit it in SpaceCadet Celeste to keep it light, in the colourways Honey, Thrive, Plume, Breeze, and Sage.
Skyline by Mel Ski
When its too warm for a full sweater or cardigan, but you don’t want bare shoulders and arms, a shrug is the perfect solution. I love this one because its got interesting changes in both colour and texture. Here the colour is clear contrast, but I think I’d go for a semi-solid matched with a variegated that blend together, such as Troublemaker with Tantrum, Sage with Time Traveller, or Feather with Fathoms Down.
all images © the respective designers and used with permission
Well, I suppose it’s time I get a start on the day. Today I’m going to be sorting through some Mini-Skeins for a fabulous designer I’m excited to work with, and then maybe I’ll get a chance to try re-dyeing the mold colourways (am I really going to call them that?!?) to make sure I can repeat them. I hope your day is packed with exciting things too (and no mold!) and, until next time, all my best!
I thought you meant like candle molds or chocolate molds and wondered how you got from form to color!
By the way, do your mini skeins come in dk weight, and do you sell them individually or only in kits?
Vinegar is also an ant repellent! I douse our patio and spray all around the house a couple times a year. Wasps do not like mint or geraniums. My grandma kept them planted all around her porch and deck. These were big play area for me growing up, so I can confirm the plants worked. 🙂