Want to Know What Forty Pounds of Yarn Looks Like?

This blog post was supposed to be a shop update, but my chief yarn-prep guy (my husband!) has been a bit under the weather, so I have to delay the update for a couple of days.  Look for those new yarns to go into the shop on Friday instead.  And if you’re on the Yarn Adventurers mailing list, keep an eye open for an email sometime in the next week!

In the meantime, let me share a little teaser with you.  The InterStellar Yarn Alliance parcels went out in the post yesterday, and the Alliance members are in for such a treat.  I can’t wait for their parcels to arrive!  Can you guess what’s in them?…

A sneak peek of SpaceCadet Creations InterStellar Yarn Alliance yarn club parce


And ooooh!  I just wanted to share this with you…

Forty pounds of SpaceCadet Creations yarn headed to fibre space in Alexandria VA


Ever wondered what forty pounds of yarn looks like all in one place?  Well, that’s what it looks like!  That’s forty pounds of freshly-dyed SpaceCadet yarn, all headed to fibre space in Alexandria VA.  fibre space is one of the coolest LYSs in the country (I think my SpaceCadet might just have a crush on their space cadet!).  And I am so excited to have SpaceCadet yarn there!

So if you’re in the DC area, do go check fibre space out — and look for the SpaceCadet yarn, because I’ve dyed some really gorgeous, never-seen-before colourways that you won’t want to miss!


The InterStellar Yarn Alliance is OPEN for Subscriptions!

I am so excited about this!  It’s the 2nd of September and that means…

(drumroll please)…

The InterStellar Yarn Alliance is open for subscriptions!

click here to join the interstellar yarn alliance, interstellar yarn alliance, yarn club, knitting, crochet, hand dyed, indie dyer

What is the InterStellar Yarn Alliance?  It’s the SpaceCadet’s fantastic yarn club, and it’s a hell of lot of fun.  If you like SpaceCadet yarns, you’ll love being in the Alliance.

yarn, yarn club, space cadet, spacecadet, indie dyer, hand dyed, knitting, crochet

Each member will receive an exciting parcel delivered every other month containing:

  • SpaceCadetTM Creations yarn (light to medium weight) in an exclusive Yarn Alliance colourway (guaranteed not to be offered on the SpaceCadet website for at least 6 months)
  • A great Yarn Alliance gift tucked into every parcel!
  • The SpaceCadet’s Log exploring the inspiration for each colourway.
  • An InterStellar Yarn Alliance group on Ravelry where you can discuss WIPs, ask questions, and share FOs with fellow members.
  • The InterStellar Yarn Alliance newsletter with periodic special offers exclusively for members.
  • A 15% off coupon every six months

yarn club, yarn, knitting, crochet, space cadet, spacecadet, hand dyed, indie dyer

yarn club, yarn, knitting, crochet, sock yarn, indie dyer, hand dyed, space cadet, spacecadetclick here to join the interstellar yarn alliance, interstellar yarn alliance, yarn club, knitting, crochet, hand dyed, indie dyer

Subscriptions: 6 months (3 parcels) $125; or 12 months (6 parcels) $235

Parcels will be sent out in late October, December, February, April, June, and August. Subscription openings will be available in March and September. Shipping within the United States is included in the price; extra charges apply for shipping outside the US.

yarn club, space cadet, spacecadet, yarn, knitting, crochet, hand dyed, indie dyer