A Giveaway for May!

It’s May!  It’s May!  And May brings so many glorious things — lovely warm days, evenings that seem to stay light so late, and the start of the fiber festival season! — that I thought I’d add a little gloriousness of my own.

Do you subscribe to this blog?  No?  You silly Earthling!  Being a subscriber means you’re always up-to-date on all things SpaceCadet — and it’s completely free!

Ok, here’s the deal:   If we can get my blog subscribers to reach 75 by the end of the month, I’m going to give away a skein of my sock yarn — that’s 100g of soft and smooshy 100% superwash merino hand-dyed goodness — to one randomly-picked winner, and two 2oz bumps of beautiful, hand-dyed, soft-as-clouds BFL fiber to two runners up.  All you have to do is put your email address in the subscription box over there on the right, just above the SpaceCadet’s head.  And if you subscribe already, don’t worry — that just means you prebooked your entry!

Once you’re subscribed, you can earn up to six additional entries by doing the following:

Just leave a separate comment here for each that you do, and be sure to include your Twitter and/or Ravelry name so I can tie them together (and remember, you have to be signed up for a blog subscription for your additional entries to count).

So, that’s seven ways to enter!  And, best of all, free yarn and fiber to three lucky winners!  So get the word out — and when the subscriber numbers hit 75, everyone’s in with a chance.


Contest ends 31 May 2010 at 11.59pm. Prizes will be awarded only if SpaceCadet’s email subscriptions reach 75.  Subscriptions must be via the email subscription form at the top of the right-hand column on this blog — subscriptions through other sources (such as online readers) are not visible to the SpaceCadet and so cannot be counted as entries.  All entrants will be verified and must complete the mandatory entry (that is, subscribing to the SpaceCadet Creations blog) before completing the ‘extra’ entries. Comments must include the commenter’s Twitter or Ravelry name (as applicable) in order for ‘extra’ entries to be included in the contest. Invalid entries will be disqualified.  Winner will be contacted by email for further details and must respond within 72 hours or we reserve the right to choose another winner. SpaceCadet Creations reserves the right to substitute prizes. Prizes cannot be redeemed for cash.

154 thoughts on “A Giveaway for May!

  1. Totally lovin’ on the superwash merino fingering weight yarn in Seagrass. Totally my colors!

  2. I subscribed.

    I love the combed top in summer fruits because the colors are delicious and I would love to get my hands wrapped around it!

  3. I’m in love with the Freshly Cut Grass yarn in your shop! I hope it’s there on Friday when I get paid. Definitely my favorite! The color is just gorgeous!

  4. Hello!

    I followed you on Twitter, friended you on Ravelry and joined your group (I’m JennJustJenn on Rav, JenntheKnitter on Twitter).

    Very glad you were mentioned by Brenda Dayne – it’s how I found you and your lovely things!


  5. So much to do to enter the contest many different ways!

    1. I typed my email address in

    2. I followed you on Twitter

    3. I Tweeted about your contest

    I’m lostarts on Ravelry and Twitter. I spin and knit socks among other things, and I like blue and lavender.

  6. Hello!! I’ like to say that your “Hand-dyed Combed Top, Superwash Merino, in Summer Fruits” is my favorite item in your shop. I love the colors and it makes me want to learn how to spin my own yarny goodnsss!!! It was a hard deision to make, all of your sale items are stunning.

    Thanks for the contest, an thanks to knitting daily for directing me towards your websites. I’ve also followed your tweets and joined your Rav group!!!

    Thanks again!!

  7. I follow you on twitter, in fact I’ve followed you on twitter for the past couple of months without realised who you are! headdesk* I’m geekpie on twitter

  8. My favourite item in your shop is the yarn Into The Deep, truly gorgeous colours. It’s spring here in the UK and the combination of blues, greens and purples in the yarn is like a spring garden. Sky, grass and flowers all in one colourway 🙂

  9. I’ve joined your Ravelry group, and I’ve friended you. On Ravelry you will find me as yarnmagic.

  10. Just took a look around your shop. I love sock yarn, and could have picked almost all of them. But I’m in a spinning fiber frame of mind today, so I’m picking the superwash merino in Summer Fruit as my favorite. Believe me, anyone who has survived the winter where I live, deserve some summer fruit!

  11. I just subscribed to your blog. Then I saw the Fresh Cut Grass fingering merino in your shop, and the color makes me spread it out the floor and roll around in it.
    I also friended you on Ravelry and joined your group (also sarahsarah there)

  12. I’m not a green loving girl, but I am in love with your Freshly Cut Grass!

    Banrion on Ravelry

  13. I love your yarn in your Etsy shop! My favorite is the “Fingering Weight Yarn in Superwash Merino, in Into the Deep.” My favorite colors 🙂 I also adore your “Fingering Weight Yarn in Superwash Merino, in Seagrass” because of way shades of green flow into one another. Gorgeous yarn! (from Needlebee on Twitter and Ravelry)

  14. Saved the best for last…looking at the luscious yarns in your shop! My favorite color of the fingering weight is Sailor’s Warning…so warm and pretty!

  15. I LOVE your Freshly Cut Grass. Gonna have to purchase it come payday. (2 weeks). Beautiful!

    Oh and I have not officially completed all my tasks… except for posting in Ravelry. I will do that tonight.

  16. I ADORE “Hand-dyed BFL Combed Top, in Garden in Spring”. No wonder it was the first thing you sold!

    I retweeted and followed you on Twitter (LittleGreyCat) and friended you on Rav (LittleGreyCat). Well, I’ll do the Twitter stuff whenever Twitter finally lets me in 🙁

  17. Oh, what fun!

    So I have done the following:

    Subscribed to your blog using the e-mail subscription form.

    Took a peek at your yarn shop. My favorite item is the Fingering Weight Yarn in Superwash Merino, in Into the Deep. I think it’s a lovely colorway and can’t wait to see what that yarn becomes.

    I’m following you as KalikaKay on twitter
    I joined the SpaceCadet Creations Ravelry Group
    I friended you on Ravelry (my rav name is Kalika).

  18. Hand-dyed Combed Top, Superwash Merino, in Summer Fruits
    because it is perfection …that’s all.

  19. I just subscribed…
    Fingering Weight Yarn in Superwash Merino, in Seagrass. I <3 fingering weight superwash merino, and yours looks squishably soft. Also, that color is to die for.
    Follow me on Twitter: done, mediocrikiki
    Tweet a link to this contest: done!
    Join the SpaceCadet Creations Ravelry Group: done!
    Friend me on Ravelry: done! DariaMorgndorffer

  20. Okie dokes, I’ve subscribed, I’ve friended you on Rav (I’m HeatherErin), and I’ve followed you on Twitter (HeatherErin).

  21. Sweet pea is gorgeous! It’s my bday flower and always remind me of good things. Great shop!

    Friended on Rav, Twitter , joined your group (mamalefae for all of them), subscribed by email.


  22. i think my favorite colorway is the garden in spring and seagrass runs a close second! i love the fingering superwash. i am gaysknits on rav and i have friended you and joined the group. good luck with your new adventure!

  23. ohhhhhhhh i love the fingering yarn in the sailor hmmm dang menopause strikes again…..ok sailor something because i love the color combanations……hoping i get money for mothers day 🙂

  24. Heya. I:

    1) Joined the mailing list
    2) Looked at your shop and really liked your Merino top in Iceberg
    3) Added you as a friend on Rav (I’m cthulhulovesme)
    4) Joined the Rav group. 🙂

    I saw your ad in the Sock Knitters Anonymous group and decided to stop by to check out your store. 😀

  25. I heard about you from Abi….she says wonderful things about your yarn and I love your colour sense. My favourite item in your shop is the Iceberg Merino Top, which I may just order if I can’t keep myself under control. And I’ve joined your Ravelry group. Must go and friend you right now. 😉

  26. Subscribed to the email list. Follow you on twitter (legal_girl) and friended on Ravelry (legalgirl) and my favorite in your shop currently is sweatpeas.


  27. I joined the group, your email list, and my favorite thing in your shop, at current time, is the superwash merino fingering weight in Sweat peas. I am a sucker for BFL, however, so if I knew how to spin that would be my choice!
    Going now to friend you on Ravelry!

  28. Hi —

    I subscribed, I joined your group on Ravelry, and I friended you on Ravelry — I love contests!!!

  29. Fabulous yarn!!
    I joined your ravelry group…. mcshoppe
    I friended you on ravelry….. mcshoppe
    I am a following on Twitter mcshoppe
    looked at site and love freshly cut grass fingering yarn

  30. And commented on the Ravelry on the wonderfully squooshy Vineyard Stain skein I received this week! (Rav name magdon)

  31. I’ve friended you on Ravelry, and I checked out your shop. I love the fingering weight in seagrass!

  32. Even though there isn’t much purple in this colorway, I’ll have to vote for SweetPeas as they are one of my favorite flowers, along with bachelor buttons, lilacs and roses.

  33. Hello! The superwash merino in Iceberg is my favorite, I love the colors. I don’t spin (yet), but I can just imagine how it would look!

  34. I friended you on Ravelry! (this should make 3 entries for me!) Love your stuff and your blog!

  35. Love the Fingering Weight in Sailor’s Warning. Lovely colorway, any chance you do any of the color in this colorway as solids/semi-solids?

  36. Hi – Your hand dyed is so freakin’ gorgeous! I found you through Annie M. on FB and my jaw dropped when I followed the link! I LOOOOOOVE your Garden in Spring colorway. It reminds me of tulips, sweet peas, bachelor’s buttons, hydrangea, pansies and every pretty light purple hued flower with a little bit of their leaves and pollen thrown in. (These were my wedding colors to incedentally:) ) I love so much I had to buy it!
    I also got on Twitter and now follow you,
    I tweeted a link to you contest,
    I joined your Ravelry group and friended you ( thanks for friending me back already!)
    I mentioned SpaceCadet Creations on posts on Ravelry
    I Facebooked your contest too!

    I am so glad I found you and a little sorry but probably better off that I missed out on that Vinyard Stain colorway!
    PS OOOOh! I am the first person to fan/like your profile on FB too!
    You as so wicked talented, I am so glad I found you!

  37. I checked out your Etsy site and think the Garden in Spring colorway. Since I haven’t taken up spinning (yet), the superwash merino in that colorway is my favorite.

    Diane in Northern CA
    ravelry: NorthsideKnitter

  38. My favorite is Iceburg! It reminds me of a dream I had, I was swimming in turquoise water.

  39. Garden in Spring is my favorite! It has such a lovely mix of colors! Perfect for socks!


  40. How fun! Your yarn and fibers are beautiful.

    1. I subscribed to your blog in my Google reader.
    2. Garden in Spring ~ lovely, lovely, lovely.
    3. Followed you on Twitter. I’m IrishJennD.
    4. RT’d you.
    5. Joined your Rav group. (IrishJenn)
    6. Friended you on Rav. (IrishJenn)

  41. I really like:
    Fingering Weight Yarn in Superwash Merino, in Summer Fruits

    The color way is sooooo pretty! 😀 I love bright pinks and dark purples! 😀

  42. I just visited your Etsy site and have to say, laughing out loud, that my favorite item is your “freshly cut grass” colorway superwash merino — I am SO allergic to fresh cut grass, but am on green kick at the moment, so I LOVE the color!

  43. 1) just did
    2) Merino Top in Summer Fruits
    3 & 4) not for me but if you create a group on Facebook I’ll join
    5) done
    6) done a few weeks ago
    7) done a few weeks ago

    It was great to watch you pick out your Golding on Sat!! 😛

  44. 1. I subscribed to your blog.
    2. I peeked at your shop and my favorite yarn is definitely the fingering weight in Seagrass. Green has always been my favorite color.
    3. I joined your ravelry group.
    4. I friended you on ravelry. (I am hnick)

    I love a contest, thanks for offering it! 🙂

    1. Thank you for your tweet and subscription! But for your subscription to count in the giveaway, it has to be through the subscription box at the top of the right-hand column here on my blog. Unfortunately, I can’t see people who subscribe through Google reader (or other readers), so I wouldn’t be able to be sure I’d added them all into the random drawing.

  45. Okay, my favorite thing in your shop is the hand-dyed BFL in Summer Fruits, love the colorway and love that summer is coming.

    I friended you on Rav, I’m following you on Twitter. I am about to Tweet the contest and I subbed to your newsletter.

  46. Yay! Contests!
    1) I follow your blog!
    2) The Iceberg top is my current favorite item!
    3) I follow you on Twitter!
    4) I re-tweeted your contest announcement!
    5) I belong to your group!
    6) I have done this 🙂
    7) Already done too!

    oh, and how about
    8) Used 9 exclamation marks in one comment!

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