Do you remember these funky little slippers by Kate Atherley? Do you remember I said they’d be perfect for two ballet-mad little girls I know?
I had planned to knit them in time for Christmas morning, but as December wore on, the whole month got crazier and crazier and seemed to be flying by at an alarming pace. One day I looked up at the calendar and realised I had only one week left before Christmas, a bazillion things left to do… and the wonderful little slippers weren’t even cast on yet.
Is Christmas about gifts or about friends?
My friend Natalie was ridiculously organised and had already finished all her Christmas knitting well before crunchtime. “Would you like me to knit them for you?, she asked. “So they’re ready for Christmas Day?” I was floored! How could I possibly say yes? They were supposed to be gift from me! But looking at the calendar… oh, how could I not? Without Natalie’s help, there’d be no Christmas ballet slippers at all. I said yes.
Natalie knit like a fiend, and got all four slippers done in a week. …In that last manic week before Christmas. They were wrapped and under the tree for Christmas Eve. They were opened on Christmas morning. They were beautiful! …And loved. And danced in. And danced in… and danced in…
The most perfect Christmas gift!
With deep thanks to Natalie for knitting the slippers. And genuine thanks for Kate Atherley for the pattern and her incredibly kind offer to resize it for tiny feet.
And my deep apologies to both for not blogging about it until now. That crazy December pace? Yeah, it’s March and yet the pace still hasn’t let up!
What a great story…of true friendship, sweet little girls, and the love of knitting. Save this for the girls.
They are adorable! Another addition to the bulging Ravelry queue…
Those ballet slippers are beautiful in that yarn! The little feet are just too adorable!
You are most welcome! So glad the girls like them.
So great! And thank you, in return, for the gorgeous yarn.
So it’s not just me having a crazy few months, huh? I thought it was all ME, ME, MEEEE!
Hope the crazy things are all good things.