The Most Important Step You Need to Take to Understand your Hand-Dyed Yarn

The Most Important Step You Need to Take to Understand your Hand-Dyed Yarn

Whenever we go to a trunk show or a yarn festival, I get asked one set of questions in particular: how will this yarn behave? will it pool? what will it look like?  And I’m always glad to delve into that, because finding the answer is so much fun!

There are several clues in your skein that will give you a good idea how it will behave, but there is one necessary, first step that I find many of our customers are reluctant to take.  They turn a skein over and over in their hands and try to decide what it will look like as they knit or crochet it up.  But the real way to understand a skein is to untwist it and open it right up!

Untwist your skeins 1

Did you pause for a moment when you read that?  Don’t worry — most people do.  I know how our yarns look in our lovely displays — piles of colourful skeins arranged just so — and you don’t want to mess them up.  But the truth is that, while you can usually look at a commercial yarn all twisted up and get an idea of how it will behave, a hand-dyed yarn is completely different and you really have to get in there and look at it closely.  When yarn mills or really large dye houses create yarns, they usually blend the colours before they spin them, so any irregularities in colour get evened out, and so what you see on the outside of a skein is very similar to what’s happening on the inside, meaning that you can understand the yarn without untwisting it.

But with hand-dyed yarn, the colour is added after the skein is spun, and so the colour can be very irregular — whether by design, as part of the dyer’s technique, or simply because of how the colour distributes itself in the dyebath.  Once that dye adheres to the yarn, there’s little can be done to change or even it out.  Depending on how the yarn is dyed, the colour may or may not stay the same across the whole skein — meaning what you see when you hold it twisted up might be very different from what it actually looks like when you open it out.

And so the first step to understanding how a colourway will behave when start to work with it is to untwist it and open it right up.  Now I can’t speak for all dyers or yarn companies, but I can say that we never mind if you untwist out skeins.  In fact, we use tags instead of ball bands specifically so you can do that, because I truly believe you can’t fully understand a colourway — particularly a variegated or one-of-a-kind — until you look at the whole thing.

Untwist your skeins 2

(If you then twist it up again before you put it back, we’re always grateful but, if you don’t know how, just hand it to one of use and we’ll be glad to put it back together for you.  Or to teach you, if you like!  It’s dead easy and we do it all the time.)

When you do untwist your skein, there are certain things to look for that will give you clues as to how it will behave when it’s worked up, and we’ll go over those in upcoming blog posts.  But for now, go grab some hand-dyed skeins out of your stash — particularly if there are some variegateds that you have never untwisted — and have a good look at them.  Observe how they look in their twist… and then gently open them and see what you find.  Does the inside hold any surprises?  Is it different from the outside? Or have shades you didn’t expect?  Twist it back up again — perhaps starting from a different point and see how that affects the colourway.  I’d love to hear what you find — and whether any of your skeins surprise you!


What They Said on Ravelry That Amazed Me…

What They Said on Ravelry That Amazed Me…

I had two fabulous reasons to be excited about sending out the latest SpaceMonster parcel to our existing club members — the yarn and the gift both had me over the moon! — but I’m always nervous nonetheless.  What if…  what if they don’t love it as much as I do?

Sky Dragon 3 580

The parcels went out last week and I waited with bated breath for the response…  And oh my stars, I needn’t have worried!  Our SpaceMonster members took to Ravelry immediately and the response was just amazing!


Sky Dragon 1 580

This colourway is named Sky Dragon, after the constellations in the night sky that depict all manner of monsters.  Here’s an excerpt from my dyer’s notes for this parcel:

There are several dragons and sea monsters in the night sky at the moment. Cetus is the sea monster sent to devour Andromeda by an angry Poseidon, and Draco is the dragon (or perhaps serpent) flung into the cold north sky by Minerva. And there’s Serpens (Caput & Cauda), a massive serpent that seems to take up half the sky.   And each one of them seemed a good choice for this colourway, with its deep shades of green on a cool grey base, highlighted intense with night-sky blues. And so, I chose not to choose, and name it Sky Dragon – a tribute inspired by all those terrible beasts who circulate silently above us all each night.

And as much as I enjoyed creating this colourway for our SpaceMonster Club members, I have to admit that I was just as excited about the gift.  For this club, we do a gift every third parcel and so we get the chance to make it really special.  I was thrilled when Kate Sullivan agreed to collaborate on a custom SpaceMonster Yarn-It!

Sky Dragon 5 580

The entire SpaceCadet crew fell head over heels for the Yarn-It the first time we saw it.  I just love the spacey clear dome and the way it holds your needles through the top (a little like the SpaceCadet’s helmet and antennae?).  Look carefully, and you’ll see that Kate’s filled in each SpaceMonster by hand.  And it’s super functional too: the bottom pops off to hold stitchmarkers and notions, the strap lets you carry it where-ever you go, and it even fits in a car’s cup holders! We’re not the only ones who love it – it’s been picked by most of the major knitting press as one of the hottest accessories of the year!

Sky Dragon 8 580

I cannot tell you how it warms my heart when a club colourway and gift make our members so happy.  I’m thrilled to see the response!  And it’s got the be the best part of being in a club like this the SpaceMonsters, to be part of a group that is so excited to cast on with their new yarn — I can’t wait to see what our club members make with Sky Dragon and their new Yarn-Its!

Sky Dragon 9 580

Only Three Days Left to Join the SpaceMonsters!

The SpaceMonster Mega Yarn Club is open for subscriptions now, but it closes in only three days.  If you are excited by what you see here, join us for the next club session as we explore the furthest reaches of colour!   Or if you are looking for the perfect (and easiest!) holiday gift for a knitter or crocheter in your life, click here to secure a spot before subscriptions close.

The SpaceMonster Mega Yarn Club is all about worsted and bulky yarns — big, smooshy, and wonderful!  As a SpaceMonster, you’ll receive:

  • a fantastic parcel delivered to their door every other month, containing a beautiful skein of SpaceCadet® yarn in worsted or bulky weight, hand-dyed in an exclusive colourway* created to bring out the best in thicker yarns.
  • The SpaceCadet’s Log exploring the inspiration for each colourway.
  • A fantastic SpaceMonsters gift tucked into every third parcel. We’re known for the great gifts we include in our club parcels — and for this club, we’re seriously upping the fab. You’re going love it!
*guaranteed not to be offered on the SpaceCadet® website for at least 6 months

But bigger yarns mean bigger projects, right?

Don’t you worry — in this club, you can buy extra skeins! For a whole month after you receive your parcel, you’ll have an exclusive opportunity to order more skeins custom-dyed in the latest club colourway. You’ll receive an email with all the details about a week after your parcel goes out — and then all you have to do is pick your project!

Ready to Join?

Click here to grab your spot!

SpaceMonster Club Click Here 580


How to Give the EASIEST Holiday Gift

How to Give the EASIEST Holiday Gift

I am a terrible holiday gift shopper. Lots of other people write out lists, get to the shops weeks ahead, and have everything bought, wrapped, ready to go with plenty of time to spare. Not me. I always seem to let the holidays sneak up on me. Then I’m trying to think of the perfect gift way too late… panic… run out to the shops and get scared by the long lines (or even fail to find a place to park!), come home and try again online, realise it’s too late for shipping, run back out to the shops, panic again and compromise on the concept of “perfect”, then stand in line for ages, fight the traffic home, and finally… collapse onto the couch with a good-enough gift and a slight sinking feeling in my heart.

Been there? I have a better solution for you. If you’ve got a knitter or crocheter on your list, I know a way to make them super-happy this holiday season, with a gift that will deliver yarny goodness all year long. And one that is easy to buy, stress free, with no worries about shipping or parking or long lines. In fact, even better than the fact that it is so easy to give, I think it is the perfect holiday gift. Are you ready?…

It's SpaceMonster Time!Whether it’s for a fiber-loving friend or (who are we kidding?) even for yourself, the SpaceMonster Mega Yarn Club is an awesome gift that keeps giving for months on end. It’s all about big, smooshy worsted and bulkies — because there is nothing like a skein of lovely, thick yarn to make you want to pick it up, squish it, press it against your cheek, and… dive right into it! And when you cast on, they always work up so fast! Big yarns are gorgeous.

Yarn Collage


Here’s what you’re getting…

…big smooshy yarns, gorgeous new colourways
that no one else can get their hands on,
and a seriously fab gift!

There is nothing in the whole world like a skein of lovely, smooshy, thick yarn to make you want to pick it up, squish it… dive right into it! Big, bulky yarns call out to you, beg you to pick them up and press them against your cheek. And when you cast on, they always work up so fast! Big yarns are gorgeous.

As a member of the SpaceMonsters Mega Club, you receive:

  • a fantastic parcel delivered to their door every other month, containing a beautiful skein of SpaceCadet® yarn in worsted or bulky weight, hand-dyed in an exclusive colourway* created to bring out the best in thicker yarns.
  • The SpaceCadet’s Log exploring the inspiration for each colourway.
  • A fantastic SpaceMonsters gift tucked into every third parcel. We’re known for the great gifts we include in our club parcels — and for this club, we’re seriously upping the fab. You’re going love it!
*guaranteed not to be offered on the SpaceCadet® website for at least 6 months

But bigger yarns mean bigger projects, right?

Don’t you worry — in this club, you can buy extra skeins! For a whole month after you receive your parcel, you’ll have an exclusive opportunity to order more skeins custom-dyed in the latest club colourway. You’ll receive an email with all the details about a week after your parcel goes out — and then all you have to do is pick your project!

And the price is pretty exciting too!
  • a 6 month subscription (3 parcels) is only $99
  • a 12 month subscription (6 parcels) is just $194
  • Plus, now you can choose a double subscription for two skeins in each parcel, or a triple for three, giving you the option to cast on your project as soon as you open the box.

But subscriptions are open for only two weeks and spaces are limited… so grab your space now!


Ready? Let’s do this!

SpaceMonsters 12m button

Membership Level (# of skeins):

SpaceMonsters 6m button

Membership Level (# of skeins):

Very Important: if you are giving a subscription as a gift, please remember to include the recipient’s postal and email addresses in the notes when you check out. We gotta have that to send the recipient their parcels!

Six month subscriptions include 3 parcels; twelve month subscriptions include 6 parcels. Parcels will be sent out in early February, April, June, August, October, and December. Shipping within the United States is included in the price; extra charges apply for shipping outside the US. Normal subscription openings/renewals will be available in June and December of each year. All club members are automatically subscribed to the club mailing list to receive email notification of club updates, special offers for extra skeins, and similar stuff. We never, ever sell or share your email with anyone. Because of the nature of the club set-up, we can accept returns or exchanges of club shipments for faulty yarns only. By joining the club, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions. Any other questions? We’re here to help!

Share your Project Idea to Win Free Shipping!

Share your Project Idea to Win Free Shipping!

You know, they say the best stuff comes in packages with free shipping.  Wait… no they don’t.  But still, free shipping has to make any package way better, right?  And when we’re giving away free shipping in a way that’s also some seriously sweet eye-candy and a ton of fun to enter…  well, you just can’t beat that!

But first, let me show you the SpaceMonster Mega Yarn Club’s October colourway…

Long Shadows 5 580


From the SpaceCadet’s Log:

A few weeks ago, I was driving along a quiet country road which twisted past a field of tall grasses yellowing in the sun and ducked in and out beneath trees that were still mostly green. From all appearances, summer was holding on strong but somehow I could feel autumn marching relentlessly nearer. What was it that gave the game away? The shadows. They fell in gray streaks that stretched long and thin from the base of each tree across the road and far into the field, and left me in no doubt that the sun was shifting its path across the sky, lowering its arc a little more each day, and letting the warmth of summer slip slowly away.

To capture the essence of these Long Shadows, we started with a buttery golden yellow – the colour of a hazy late-summer sunset, of weary grasses in untended fields, of leaves just turning. And over that, we layered soft grays that streak up and over the yarn, fading in and out from strand to strand. And then we finished it with glazes of rust, russets, and deep maple reds, to pull in some of the hues of the glorious season to come. The result is a colourway that I hope captures all the depth of autumn’s change, from the bold to the melancholy, in a yarn that will work up in gentle undulations from shade to shade.

Long Shadows 3 580

Isn’t it lovely?  Dyed with very short colour repeats that are designed to create a painterly effect in the final fabric, this is a colourway that will blend together at a distance but be full of intrigue up close.  I love that kind of yarn — so interesting from stitch to stitch, but with colours that flow gently and work beautifully in the final fabric.

Long Shadows 4 580

But enough about that — let’s talk about that free shipping…

How to Enter to Win Free Shipping

We’re looking for project ideas for this colourway — share your idea to get entered to win!  Here’s how:

  • Everyone can enter, whether you’re in the SpaceMonster club or not, and you can enter as many times as you like.
  • To enter, just click here and post a pattern idea (including a picture and link) in the thread.  That’s all there is to it!
  • Each separate post (with picture & link) counts as a separate valid entry so the more pattern-idea posts you create, the better your chances of winning!

The sweepstakes is open until the end to the month, and closes at 11:59pm EST on Oct 31. For full sweepstakes rules and alternative method of entry, click here.

Long Shadows 2 580

The SpaceMonster Mega Yarn Club opens for subscriptions in December (and makes a perfect holiday gift).  If you’d like to get on the mailing list so you’re the first to know when it opens, click here.

SpaceMonster click here



Catch a Peek at the SpaceMonster’s August Colourway!

Catch a Peek at the SpaceMonster’s August Colourway!

As the season fades into autumn, it’s all about the turning of the leaves, naturally, but I am still holding onto summer — and I think one of the best things about this time of year is the clear skies.  I simply love sitting outside as the sunlight disappears and watching the stars appear overhead.  Can you see that inspiration in the latest SpaceMonsters’ colourway?

Summer Nights — a Colourway Inspired by the Heavens

Summer Nights 3 580


From the SpaceCadet’s log:

I am not one for hot summer days — the sun is no friend to my skin and the heat makes me wilt. But I love warm summer evenings, when the sun has finally gone to bed and the world is beginning to cool off. I sit on my porch with my knitting and a cup of tea, leaning back to watch the stars come out.
They reveal themselves slowly, as the day’s light thins and fades away. First, the planets — Venus and Jupiter have aligned for most of the summer, shining as a bright pair on the western horizon. And then the brightest stars — Vega and Altair — begin to show themselves in the east, before the sky finally falls into darkness revealing the whole host of stars in the heavens. Some look white, some blue, a few pinkish-purple and some even green. And the sky may be streaked with clouds or clear as crystal. Either way, it is truly a magical time, sitting out in the warmth and watching the Summer Night sky come out in all its glory.
Summer Nights 1 580
For this colourway, I chose Capella, a wonderfully smooshy single-ply worsted that brings a softness to any colour I introduce it to.  I wanted it to really capture the movement of the clouds, the eternalness of the stars.  And I think it’s done that perfectly!
The response to Summer Nights has been overwhelming — so many emails, tweets, and Ravelry posts from club members who just love this colourway, and I can’t say how much that means!  So I was delighted to send out the email yesterday to our club members with the link to order extra skeins.  I can’t wait to see the amazing projects they create with this colourway!
Summer Nights 4 580
Want to Join the Club?
The SpaceMonster Club won’t open again until December but — fear not! — the SpaceCadet’s fingering weight club, the InterStellar Yarn Alliance opens on Sept 4th.  We give first dibs to the folks on the club mailing list, so click here and be the first to grab your space!
Click to get first dibs on the Yarn Alliance!
The SpaceMonster Club is Open — But I GOOFED!!!

The SpaceMonster Club is Open — But I GOOFED!!!

Oh my stars, this is one of my favourite days!  Our clubs open only twice a year and I can’t tell you how exciting it is to see new members come flooding in to join the fun.  We love dyeing for our club members and I know folks wait and wait to grab their spot, so the day we fling those doors open to new members is one of my favourite all year.

BUT I GOOFED!!!  Last weekend we were away at TNNA and were so busy with all the stuff going on with that, that I totally forgot to publicise the club opening.  I usually run ads on Ravlery and announce on social media when the club is opening, but this time…   oh crud!  Club opening day totally snuck up on me!

So, before we get to the good stuff, I want to ask for your help.  Will you please help me share the SpaceMonster Club opening on social media?  It’d help get me out of a pickle and I’d so appreciate it!

  • Just click here to share it on Twitter
  • For Facebook, you could say something like: Woot! The SpaceMonster Club is now open for subscriptions! Click: to check it out.
  • And if your Ravelry group would like to know, I’d be so grateful if you’d share with them

Ok, and now let’s get on to the good stuff.  I’m delighted to announce…

The SpaceMonster Mega Yarn Club is open for subscriptions!!!!

Woot! It’s SpaceMonster time!
The SpaceMonster Mega Yarn Club, from SpaceCadet Creations

You love big smooshy yarns, doncha?

This is the club for you!

There is nothing in the whole world like a skein of lovely, smooshy, thick yarn to make you want to pick it up, squish it… dive right into it! Big, bulky yarns call out to you, beg you to pick them up and press them against your cheek. And when you cast on, they always work up so fast! Big yarns are gorgeous.

Yarns Dec14-Apr15

SpaceMonsters, the SpaceCadet’s Mega Yarn Club

Specially designed for those who love working with thicker yarns!

Join the SpaceMonster Mega Yarn Club! 75Click Here to grab a 12 Month Subscription to the SpaceMonsters MegaYarn ClubClick Here to grab a 6 Month Subscription to the SpaceMonsters MegaYarn Club

So, whaddya get?

As a members of the SpaceMonsters Mega Club, you receive:

  • a fantastic parcel delivered to your door every other month, containing a beautiful skein of SpaceCadet® yarn in worsted or bulky weight, hand-dyed in an exclusive colourway* created to bring out the best in thicker yarn
  • The SpaceCadet’s Log exploring the inspiration for each colourway.
  • A fantastic SpaceMonsters gift tucked into every third parcel. We’re known for the fabulous gifts we include in our club parcels — and for this club, we’re seriously upping the fab. You’re going love it!

*guaranteed not to be offered on the SpaceCadet website for at least 6 months

But bigger yarns mean bigger projects, right?

Don’t you worry — in this club, you can buy extra skeins! For a whole month after you receive your parcel, you’ll have an exclusive opportunity to order more skeins custom-dyed in the latest club colourway. You’ll receive an email with all the details a few days after your parcel goes out — and then all you have to do is pick your project!

SpaceMonster Gifts 580

And the price is pretty exciting too:

a 6 month subscription (3 parcels, starting in August) is only $99, and
a 12 month subscription (6 parcels, starting in August) is just $194

…Wouldn’t you love to receive a right-to-your-door supply of gorgeous, smooshy yarn?

But subscriptions are open only until June 21 and spaces are limited… so you’ve gotta be quick!

Ready to join the SpaceMonsters?

Click on one of the buttons below to grab your spot in the SpaceMonsters Mega Yarn Club

Join the SpaceMonster Mega Yarn Club! 75Click Here to grab a 12 Month Subscription to the SpaceMonsters MegaYarn ClubClick Here to grab a 6 Month Subscription to the SpaceMonsters MegaYarn Club









Very Important: if you are giving this as a gift, please remember to include the recipient’s postal and email addresses in the notes when you check out. We gotta have that to send the recipient their parcels!

Six month subscriptions include 3 parcels; twelve month subscriptions include 6 parcels. Parcels are sent out in February, April, June, August, October, and December. Shipping within the United States is included in the price; extra charges apply for shipping outside the US. The first parcel for new subscriptions is the August parcel. Normal subscription openings/renewals will be available in June and December of each year. Because of the nature of the club set-up, we can accept returns or exchanges of club shipments for faulty yarns only. By joining the club, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions. All images here are examples of past yarns/colourways/gifts — please note that new members will not receive the same items, but will receive yarns/colourways/gifts of approximate equal value and fab-ness.

Any other questions? Ask us! missioncontrol (at) spacecadetyarn (dot) com