Bright Lights, Big Etsy Treasury

A little email in my inbox, minding its own business, waiting for me to open it…  And so I do, and it announces that…  drumroll please… Freshly Cut Grass has been chosen for SacredArts‘s Etsy Treasury!!!  I’m so excited!!!

And here’s how my little yarn looks up in lights:

Thank you, SacredArts!  You have absolutely made my day!

5 thoughts on “Bright Lights, Big Etsy Treasury

  1. Congrats! I love my skein that I got from you and smile every time I look at it — I’m very allergic to freshly cut grass LOL …. but am still deciding what to do with it.

    I’m in the middle of a CookieA pattern and think that maybe this colorway would also work well with her “stitch definition” sock patterns … but I’ll get back to you mid-summer (too many WIPs at the moment)

    1. Maryjo, I am THRILLED to hear that you love your skein! Freshly Cut Grass is definitely one of my favourites too. Please let me know what you finally make out of it, or post it on Ravelry so I can see. 😀

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