The Questions I Love to Answer

At Knitters Fantasy the other weekend, a customer was looking through the bundles of gorgeous, adorable mini-skeins that we’d brought to introduce people to the Mini-Skein Club.  She was completely lost in them, studying each one intently as she moved her hand from bundle to bundle, looking for exactly the right colours.

Mini-Skeins from the SpaceCadet's Mini-Skein Club for knitters and crocheters

The mini-skeins have sold like hot-cakes at every show we’ve taken them to.  There’s something irresistible about hundreds of miniature skeins of SpaceCadet yarn all piled up together!

And even though we normally sell the mini-skeins exclusively through the SpaceCadet’s Mini-Skein Club, I love taking them to shows.  Why?  Because it’s so much fun to watch people suddenly spot them, come rushing over to look more closely, and then — just like the customer at the show the other weekend — get totally lost in finding their perfect combination of colours.

Hexipuffs made from one mini-skein from the SpaceCadet's Mini-Skein Club

And the mini-skeins start so many conversations.  “What do you use them for?” (answer: here) “What could I make with them?” (answer: here) And my favourite, “So, what is this club you do?”  I love that one because it gives me the opportunity to explain how the club works. Each month, club members receive a parcel of mini-skeins in colours that I’ve chosen for them (as a complete surprise!).  The mini-skeins are made up of a variety of SpaceCadet fingering yarns, so you get a chance to try the different yarn types. And that the best thing is that you can cancel your subscription as soon as you have enough Mini-Skeins for your project.  See what I mean?  It’s a great club!


After looking carefully every single bundle, my customer finally chose a favourite.  And, as she walked over to me to pay for it, she clutched it in front of her chest with both hands.  She had a huge grin on her face and light in her eyes that told me she had just found herself some treasure.

More mini-skeins from the SpaceCadet's Mini-Skein Club for knitting and crochet

“So,” she said, as she reached into her bag for her credit card, “what made you start this club?”  She had set the bundle of mini-skeins down on the table, but one hand rested lightly on them — protecting them,  laying claim to them.  I smiled to myself.  If she could see herself in a mirror, the answer to her question would be obvious.

The shine in her eyes… her hand on the yarns… the little moment of joy they’ve already brought her and all the joy her new mini-skein project will bring her when she gets home…  

That is why I started the Mini-Skein Club.


Click Here to Learn More about the SpaceCadet's Mini-Skein Club

The SpaceCadet’s Mini-Skein Club Reviewed

Last month, we launched the SpaceCadet’s Mini-Skein Club, as you know, and I was super excited about it.  I so enjoyed choosing the colourways, tying the little bundles up…  and when I sent the parcels off, I hoped — hoped — that all the club members were as excited about the yarns they received as I was.

I was nervous as the feedback started to come through on Ravelry but, to my delight, most everyone was absolutely tickled with the parcels.  I am so pleased!  And, where there suggestions were made, they were really great suggestions that I’m going to use to  improve the club in the months to club.

But if I was anxious about what the members thought, that was only compounded when I spotted that Abigail of TAAT Designs and Karrie of KnitPurlGurl had post their reviews of the Mini-Skein Club on their websites.  These were real reviews — I had no idea whether Abigail or Karrie would like what they found in their parcels, and I knew they’d both be very honest with their followers.

A little nervously, I clicked on the links to see, and…  Well, do you want to see for yourself what they had to say?

Abigail of TAAT Designs reviews the SpaceCadet's Mini-Skein Yarn ClubFirst, here’s Abigail’s review.  She includes some really photos of the yarns, showing how the parcels were packaged as well as the colourways, and a list of her thoughts for anyone thinking of joining the club.

KnitPurlGurl Reviews the SpaceCadet's Mini-Skein Yarn ClubAnd here is Episode 20 of the KnitPurlGurl Podcast, which contains her review of the Mini-Skein Club.  If you’ve been wondering about joining the club, Karrie’s review is extensive:  she discusses the whole parcel, goes into detail about each yarn, and even the way it’s packaged — everything you’d need to know.  The rest of KnitPurlGurl Postcast is absolutely packed full of fibery-goodness (just check out the incredibly extensive show notes!) and well worth watching.  But if you’d like to jump to ahead to her review of the SpaceCadet’s Mini-Skein Club, then check out this excerpt

Thank you to everyone who has joined the SpaceCadet’s Mini-Skein Club. I am having an absolute blast choosing your colourways and putting these little bundles together!  And I’m so grateful for your feedback, because your input means this club will just get better and better!